about me.

A few month’s into my second pregnancy, I began thinking about my birth plans. As I considered my options… attempt another home birth, choose a birth centre, go to the hospital (given that’s where I ended up last time), I heard a voice. Clear as day.

“Or you can just live your life and birth your baby.”

Every cell in my being knew this was true, yet my logical, rational brain immediately shut it down thinking, that’s not a real thing.

Over the coming few weeks, I received multiple signs and synchronicities and discovered that indeed free birthing is a real thing, and more and more women are now choosing it.

So began an intense journey of education, de-conditioning, healing, fear hunting, risk assessment, informed decision making, self-administered pre-natal care, and conscious conversations.

All this work and preparation culminated in the transcendent free birth of Avery, alone in my bathtub on my land, Haven. It was the single most powerful experience of my entire life.

Nothing compares.

Following Avery’s birth, I completed the Free Birth Society’s Radical Birth Keeper School and have since dedicated myself to supporting fierce women reclaim their power and birth their babies in sovereignty.

listen to my
free birth story.